Soldiers who accompanied Don Diego de Vargas to New Mexico, Taken from the The Royal Crown Restored, the Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, New México, 1692-1694 287Pages 165-180
El Paso presidial soldiers to Diego de Vargas, Power of attorney, El Paso, 18 April 1693
This is a list of the soldiers who were at the Presidio in El Paso taken from The Royal Crown Restored, The Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, New México, 1692-1694, pages 165-180. At this time Governor Vargas is absent, and Capítan Juan García de Noriega was meeting with El Paso Presidial soldiers to gain power of attorney to authorize Governor Vargas to collect the garrison's pay for a year in advance. The annual salary was 450 pesos. Some of these soldiers were native New Mexicans and/or ancestors of today's Hispanic New Mexicans. The document begins:
"In this pueblo of Nuestra Señor de Guadalupe del Paso del Río del Norte, jurisdiction of the provinces of New México, on 18 April 1693, the fifty soldiers of the presidio of Nuestra Señora del Pilar y el Glorioso San José appeared before me, Capítan Juan García de Noriega, current alcalde ordinario of this pueblo, acting as receiving judge with my attending witnesses because there is no public or royal scribe in surrounding 140 leagues."
Capitán Juan García de Noriega then lists the people who were the soldiers who came before him. I'm adding information from the Chapter's notes along with some of the soldiers. Where no comment is included, the notes referred to other books in the series, which I don't posses.
  Capítan Roque Madrid (Native New Mexican, son of Francisco de Madrid and Juana Ruíz Cáreces)
Juan Páez Hurtado (New Mexican Ancestor)
  Adjutant José Madrid
  Sargento Juan Ruíz de Cáceres (Native New Mexican)
  Pedro Madrid (Native New Mexican, son of Francisco de Madrid and Juana Ruíz Cáreces)
  Domingo Luján (Native New Mexican)
  Capítan Diego Arias (Born in Spain, Ancestor of New Mexicans)
  Tomás (Gutiérrez) de la Carrera
  Diego Zervín (departed to the Philippines by the spring of 1695)
  José de Apodaca (José González de Apodaca, native New Mexican)
  Juan Roque Gutiérrez (Native New Mexican, son of Roque Gutiérrez and María de Tapia )
  Capítan Juan Holguín (Native New Mexican, may be the Juan Holguín who died in the Jemez Rebellion of 1696)
  Dionisio de Ortega
  José Domínguez (Native New Mexican, son of Tomé Domínguez de Mendoza and Ana Velásquz, died on the Pedro de Villasur expedition)
  Antonio de Herrera (Native of El Paso, in 1717, assigned to Presidio of Santa Fé)
  Nicolás García (Native of El Paso)
  Martín Hurtado (Native New Mexican, son Andrés Hurtado and Bernardina de Salas, first Alcalde Mayor of Alburquerque)
  Capítan Juan Lucero de Godoy (Native New Mexican, son of Pedro Lucero de Godoy and Petronila de Zamora)
  Eusebio de Vargas (Native of Zacatecas, died during the campaign)
  Francisco de Torres (Living in the real of San Lorenzo in 1781 with his wife Sebastiana de la Cruz. and he was assigned to the Santa Fe presidial company in 1710.)
  Baltasar Romero one of the original settlers of Alburquerque
  Juan de Dios Lucero
  José Madrid
  Miguel de Herrera (A 19 year old native New Mexican, the son of Capt. Juan de Herrera and Ana López del Castillo, and a soldier attached to the El Paso Presidio when he married María Ana García in el Paso in 1690. Their daughter María, married Diego Trujillo in Santa Cruz in 1709.)
  Antonio González de Escalante (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio).
  José Montaño (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Juan de Gamboa (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Alférez Rafael Téllez Girón (Son of José Téllez Girón and Catrarina López Romero. In 1682, Rafael married María Ana Montoya de Esparza.)
  Chritóbal Trujillo (Married to María de Sandoval y Manzanares. His family stayed in El Paso where he died.)
  Sebastán Monroy y Mondragón (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Pedro Luján (The son of New Mexico natives Juan Luis Luján and Isabel López.)
  Francisco de Santiago (Son of Luis Pérez and Melchora de los Reyes of Querétaro. He married Catarina Durán at Ysleta in 1693. Santiago was killed in 1695 at the battle of San Ildefonso mesa. Catarina remarried that same year, taking Bartolomé Sánchez as her husband.)
  Cristóbal Torres (New México Ancestor)
  Juan de Herrera (New Mexico native, gave his age of twenty-three when he married in 1681 most likely to Gregoria Archuleta, with whom he had a daughter, Petrona. Petrona was married Cristóbal Hidalgo.)
  Capitán Juan Madrid (Born in New Mexico around 1640 to Francisco Madrid and Sebastiana Ruiz, Captain Madrid most likely was married to Ana López Holguín. His daughter, Juana, married Juan de Valencia in 1689. Juan Madrid married a second time to María Mondragón, and he was dead in 1691. From his second marriage, he had two children, Francisco Madrid who married María de Salazar in 1703; and Manuela, who married Antonio de Velencia in 1710.)
  Alfronso Rael de Aguilar
  Baltasar Romero de Salazar (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Miguel Luján (There are two possible Miguel Lujáns that could be this person. One passed muster at the Ancón de Fray García in Nov. 1681. One served at the El Paso presidion in 1691 and continued to be there until 1697.)
  Pedro de Ávalos (Born in New Mexico around 1655 to Captain Antonio de Ávalos and Juana Ruiz de Cáceres. He married, 1681, Francisca Torres at San Lorenzo. She was the natural daughter of Francisco de Torres and Sebastiana de la Cruz.
  Antonio de Ávalos
  Francisco Márquez
  Sebastián de los Reyes (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Jacinto Peláez (Born around 1670 to Gonzalo Peláez and Elvira Méndez in Villanueva de las Montañas (Oviedo), Jacito Peláez married Margarita Gómez Robledo in El Paso in 1694. She was the daughter of (Andrés) Gómez Robledo and Juana Ortiz. Their daughter, María married Juan Fernádez de la Pedrera. Jacinto married a second time to Isabel de Chaves, daughter of Fernando de Chaves and Lucía Hurtado. From this marriage, they had a daughter named Jacinta who married Antonio de Luna. Jacito was dead by Dec. 1704, at which time Isabel underwent prenuptial investigations to marry Baltasar de Mata.)
  José Montiel (Born around 1672 in Tlalpujahua to Gregorio Montiel and Francisca González de Aragón. He married Juana Lucero in 1696. He served with the El Paso presidio from 1691-1697, and the Santa Fe presidio as late as 1714.)
  Antonio de Córdoba (Soldier with the El Paso Presidio)
  Diego García
  Tomás Holguín (A likely son of Capt. Juan López Holguín and María Luján. In March 1694, Holguín was a military leader during the siege of Black Mesa. He was assigned to the presidio of Santa Fe in 1706. He may be the Tómas Holguín who married María de la Cruz who was dead by 1715. Their son, Antonio, underwent prenuptial investigations to wed Micaela de Moraga, daughter of Alonso de Moraga and Juana de Leyba, 1707, Socorro. Tómas died in June 1720 during the Villasur expedition acting as maestre de campo.)
  Nicolás Rodríguez Rey (Passed muster at La Salineta in Nov. 1681 and was listed as a El Paso presidial soldier in 1684. He married María de Tapia. They had a son, Marcial, who married three times in El Paso.
  Francisco Griego
  Miguel Maese (Son of Alonso Maese and Catarina Montaño, married María Perea Varela de Losada, daughter of Juan de Perea and Aldonsa Varela de Losada, in 1693. One of their daughters, Catarina, widow of Juan Antonio Domínguez, married Francisco Rendón in 1727. Two other daughters were Antonia and Francisca. Antonia was the wife of Mateo Martín, and Francisca married Simón Nieto. After Miguel Maese was killed by Apaches, his wife married Agustín Luján in 1701.)
The document ends by naming the document witnesses, Antonio Lucero and Capítan Antonio Jorge, and the attending witnesses, Tigurcio de Ortega and Sargento Mayor Bartolomé Gómez, and with the signatures of the soldiers.
 More New Colonists With Páez Hurtado--->