New Colonists to New Mexico, 1695 Taken from The Páez Hurtado Expedition of 1695: Fraud in Recruiting Colonists for New Mexico 424Pages 29 -
This list is somewhat tricky because there were people who didn't actually leave Zacatecas on the list, and people were grouped together as families who were not actually related to each other. I've sorted through the book trying to figure out who did and didn't come to New Mexico.
The following settlers most likely came single (unmarried) to New Mexico, although listed among family groups by Páaz Hurtado:
- ANTONÍO FÉLIX (VALENCIA), thirty year old Spaniard, native of San Juan Bautisa, Sornora.
- NICOLÁS DE LA TRINIDAD, twenty, mestizo
- NICOLÁ RODRÍGUEZ, castizo, eighteen years of age.
- MIGUEL DE AGUILAR, twenty-four years of age, native of the Valle of Toluca in the Archbishopric of Mexico, had his prenuptial investigation on 6 Sep 1697 as Santa Cruz de la Cañada for his impending marriage to Garcia Bautista de Olivas, twenty, native of Sombrerete and daughter of Juan Bautista de Olivas and Magdalena Juáez.
- JOSÉ ANTONIO ROMERO, native of Carmona, Spain.
- MANUELA NEGRETE, mestiza, who said she was sixteen when she wed Simón de Contreras two years after her arrival in New Mexico. Manuela and Simón moved to Santa Cruz de la Cañada
- BARTOLOMÉ SÁNCHEZ, aged twenty, described as being able bodied with straight black hair and thick eyebrows.
- DON FELIPE DE SORI, native of Pátzcuaro, twenty-two years old, with hazel hair, a pudgy face, and able bodied.
- MARÍA DE CASTRO, listed as a Spanish native of Sombrerete, eighteen of age.
- María de Castro Xabalera, and later married, as the second wife, Jacinto Sánchez.
- JUAN DE REINA, thirty-two, a Spaniard and native of Reino de Nuevo Leó, red hair, able-godied with a scar on his left cheek.
- MARÍA DE CASTAÑEDA, mestiza, twenty-five
- CRISTÓBAL DE ARELLANO, twenty-three, mestizo.
- MATIANA DE SAN JOSÉ, aged eighteen.
- MIGUEL DE AYALA, morisco who later married a woman named Juana de Torres.
- MATEO DE ARANDA, Spaniard from Béjar, Portugal, aged thirty-one, able-bodied with chestnut hair, but with his vision restricted to his left eye.
- NICOLÁS DE ESPINOSA, coyote, native of Los Lagos, twenty-two, with straight black hair, and pockmarked.
- MARÍA DE LAS ROSA, multata blanca, fifteen years
- NICOLÁS RODRÍGUEZ, age five on 8 Feb 1695. He is probably the Nicolás Rodríguez who was twenty-two, native of Sombrerete, married, a a resident of Santa Cruz de la Cañada in 1714 who was a witness at the prenuptial investigation of María Durán and Baltasar Carbajal.
- MIGUEL TENORIO DE ALBA, Spanish son of Juan Tenorio and Josefa López de Sandoval, a native of Zacatecas, twenty, with straight black hair, a face horribly pock marked, and a scar on the right side of his forehead.
- MIGUEL DE MIRANDA, widower of María de Vega, he was thirty years old, native of Monterrey, Nevo León, and the possible father of Juan de Miranda, eight, who was listed on the roll as Esteban Hernández.
The following settlers are grouped by families:
- SEBASTIANA RODRÍGUEZ, free mulatta, native of Zacatecas, widow of Matías Contreras.
- SIMÓN DE CONTRERAS, son of above, native of Zacatecas.
- DOMINGO DE CONTRERAS, son of Sebastiana, native of Zacatecas.
- SALVADORA, the natural daughter of Sebastiana, native of Zacatecas.
- JOSÉ LÓPEZ, native of Los Lagos, later married to Sebastiana Rodríguez
- JUANA GUERRERO, widow of Miguel Rodarte, of Zacatecas, came to New México with her children.
- NICOLÁS RODARTE, single mestizo, tewnety, curly black hair, thin eyebrows, and son of the above.
- BALTASAR RODARTE, son of Juana Guerrero, pudgy face with freckles and brown hair.
- GABRIEL, described as being pockmarked, with black hair, it is not know if he made the journey to New México.
- CRISTÓBAL RODARTE, son of Juana Gerrero, also listed as Cristóbal Gonzáles.
- JOSÉ RODARTE, recorded as Joseph.
- CATALINA RODARTE, daughter of Juana Gerroro, along with Catalina's daughter named Juana de Dios. It is possible that she is the María de Castro who testified in 1697 that she was the legitimate daughter of Miguel Rodarte and Juana Guerrero. María de Castro later married Jacinto Sánchez.
- BARNABÉ RODARTE, twenty-four, son of Juana Gerrero, was recorded as being killed in 1695 after arriving in New México.
- JOSEFA DE LAS ROSA, listed as a coyota or as Antonio Durán de Armijo testified, an "Indian from the pueblo of El Chipinque." El Chipinque is a Pueblo that lies SSW of Zacatecas.
- ANNA MANRÍQUEZ DE REINOSO, mother the following
- JOSEFA RAMOS, aged twenty in 1695, who testified in 1715 that she wished to marry and that her mother was Anna Manríquez de Reinoso
- TERESA RAMOS, settled with her husband Don Felipe de Soria in Santa Cruz de la Cañada
- SEBASTIÁN CANSECO, a coyote and native of Sombrerete, age twenty
- MARÍA GUTIÉRREZ, matiza, eighteen and betrothed to Canseco.
- BARTOLOMÉ LOBATO, Spaniard, native of the real and mines of Sombrerete, twent-nine, sound of body, with long black hair.
- LUCIANA NEGRETE, wife of Bartolomé, Spaniard
- JUAN LOBATO, their son, aged one.
- MATEO NEGRETE, castizo native of Zacatecas, twenty-five, small in stature, with very curly black hair, and died before May 1697
- SIMONA DE BÉJAR, mestiza, eighteen, remarried in July 1697, Juan Morones de Cásares
- JOSÉ QUIRÓS, a mestizo and widower, native of Puesto de Covadonga, Nueva Galicia, forty-five
- MARÍA QUIRÓS, eighteen year old daughter of José, upon arrival in New Mexico, she married Antonio Durán de Armijo, eighteen, on 17 Oct 1695 in Santa Fé
- PEDRO DE QUIRÓS, son of José, Pedro's name disappears from the New Mexico records after 1697
- MARÍA DE LOS REYES CANSECO, mestiza, widow, age forty, able-bodied, may have been a relative of Sebastián Canseco, a native of Sombrerete
- MARÍA CANSECO, daughter of the above, aged twelve
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