Mayflower Passengers
  John Alden (y-DNA haplogroup R1b-M269) from Southampton was hired to be the cooper for the Mayflower voyage. He later married another passenger,
Priscilla Mullin.
  Elder William Brewster (y-DNA haplogroup I-M253) from Scrooby, Nothinghamshire, England along with his wife Mary and two of their children, Love and Wrestling. Their son, Jonathan Brewster and his family arrived in Nov 1621 on the ship the Fortune.
  Francis Cooke (y-DNA haplogroup I-M223) and his son John. His wife Hester le Mahieu and his other children arrived at Plymouth in 1623 onboard the ship, the Anne.
  William Mullins along with his wife named Alice and their two children, Priscilla and Joseph; William and Alice died the first winter in Plymouth.
  Thomas Rogers (y-DNA haplogroup R1b-M269) from Watford, Northampton, along with his son Joseph; Thomas was among those to die the first winter in Plymouth.
  Richard Warren (y-DNA haplogroup R1b-M269) traveled to New England by himself.
The Anne and the Little James 1623
  Edward Bangs
  Edward Burcham
  John Faunce
  Hester le Mahieu, wife of Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke, and their other children arrived at Plymouth in 1623 onboard the ship, the Anne.
  George Morton with his wife
Juliana Carpenter and daughter Patience Morton who later married John Faunce, a fellow passenger on the Anne; along Juliana's sister Alice Carpenter and her son Constant Southworth.
  Lucretia Oldham came to New England with her brother John and she later married Jonathan Brewster.
  Elizabeth Walker, wife of Mayflower passenger, Richard Warren, and their five daughters: Mary, Ann, Sarah, Elizabeth and Abigail, arrived in New England aboard the Anne in 1623.
