Torf "le Riche" de Torville Seigneur de Pont-Audemer
(920/8-Abt 970)
Turquetil de Harcourt Seigneur de Turqueville
(Abt 951-After 1024)
Adeline de Montfort
Lesceline de Harcourt


Family Links

Guillaume d’Eu

Lesceline de Harcourt

  • Marriage: Guillaume d’Eu 492
  • Died: 26 Jan 1057, Normandy 492
  • Buried: St.Pierre-sur-Dives Abbey

bullet   Another name for Lesceline was Lefieltna.

bullet  Noted events in her life were:

• Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands, Guillaume d;Eu.
Guillaume married Lesceline, the daughter of Turchetil seigneur de Tourville. Orderic Vitalis records that "Willermus Aucensis comes instinctu religionæ conjugis suæ Lezscelinæ" founded "abbatiam sanctæ Mariæ super rivulum Divæ" [Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. II, Liber III, I, p. 13]. An undated charter, dated to (circ 1049), records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto" [Rouen Sainte-Trinité, LXIX, p. 457].

Lesceline married Guillaume d’Eu, son of Richard I "the Fearless" de Normandy Princeps Nortmannorum and Mistress.492 (Guillaume d’Eu was born in 978 in Normandy,492 died in 1057 in Normandy and was buried in Collegiate Church of Eu.)


© Nancy Lucía López

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This Web Page was Updated 27 Feb 2018