Mansura Fafílaz
- Born: Asturias, Iberia
- Marriage: Fernando Díaz
Noted events in her life were:
• Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands, Asturias & León Nobility
Mansura Fafílaz was the wife of Fernando Díaz and the daughter of Fáfila Oláliz. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 2 Aug 1026 under which [her son] "Didacus Fredenandiz et uxor mea Marina et filiis nostris" donated "Uilla Ualle de Ratario...hereditate que fecit Uincenti ad Fafila Olaliz avius istius Didaco Fredenandiz" to León Cathedral[León Cathedral, Vol. III, 829, p. 429].
Mansura married Fernando Díaz, son of Diego Muñoz conde de Saldaña and Tigridia de Castilla. (Fernando Díaz was born in Asturias, Iberia and died after 1003.)