Fernando Díaz
- Born: Asturias, Iberia
- Marriage: Mansura Fafílaz
- Died: After 1003
Noted events in his life were:
• Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands, Fernando Díaz was the son of Diego Muñoz conde de Saladaña and his wife Tegridia. Fernando married Mansuara Fafílaz, daughter of Fáfila Oláliz. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 2 Aug 1026 under which [her son] "Didacus Fredenandiz et uxor mea Marina et filiis nostris" donated "Uilla Reuelle...in Ualle de Ratario...hereditate que fecit Uincenti ad Fafila Olaliz avius istius Didaco Fredenandiz" to León Cathedral[León Cathedral, Vol. III, 829, p. 429].
Fernando married Mansura Fafílaz, daughter of Fáfila Oláliz and Unknown. (Mansura Fafílaz was born in Asturias, Iberia.)