John Sears
- Born: 18 Jul 1701, Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts 87,114
- Baptized: 24 Aug 1701, Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts 114
- Marriage: Grace Paddock on 21 Nov 1734 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts 106
- Died: 21 May 1774, Brewster Massachusetts at age 72
Noted events in his life were:
• Dates & Events. 114 John Sears was born in Harwich, Massachusetts, 18 Jul 1701, and died in 1774 at age 74 years of age. He married Grace Paddock, in Yarmouth in Nov 1734. Grace was the daughter of Judah and Alice (Alden) Paddock. She was born in 1716. She died at the age of sixty-five. She and her sister Mary, who married Judah Sears, were Grand doughter of David Alden and great grand daughters of John and Priscilla (Mullens) Alden, who over in the "Mayflower.
John Sears of Harwich, made his will 12 Oct 1770. His children that were named were John, David, Rebecca, Rhoda, Enoch, Grace and Ezra.
Grace Sears, widow, made her will 20 Jul 1779, which was proved 10 Oct 1780. She mentions son John, grand-daughters Recbecca and Catherine, heirs to son David, deceased; and daughters Rebecca Sears and Phebe Atwood; daughter Rebecca, executor.
~The Descendants of Richard Sares of Yarmouth, pp. 77-78
• Web Reference: Grave stone of John Sears Atwood.
EPITAPH: In Memory of Mr JOHN SEARS died May 21st 177 in the 73rd Year of his Age

John Sears
John married Grace Paddock, daughter of Judah Paddock Capt. and Alice Alden, on 21 Nov 1734 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts.106 (Grace Paddock was born on 27 Jan 1716 in Yarmouth, Massachusetts,98,106 died on 17 Sep 1780 in Brewster, Barnstable, Massachusetts 98,106 and was buried in Sep 1780 in Brewster, Barnstable, Massachusetts.)