Family Links
Hugh Fitz Osbern
- Marriage: Unknown
- Died: After 1093, Dodleston, Chesire, England 713
General Notes:
~George Ormerod's The History of County Palatine and City of Chester, Vol. II, p. 848, Hugh Fitz Osberne, lord of Dodles, most probably identical with the Hugh of Domesday; living 1093. 713
Information about this person:
• Background Information. 1130 Hugh, living 1114-1116, held two carucates and two bovates in Newbold. Probably identical with the Hugh Fitz Osbern of Cheshire, a benefactor to St. Werbury soon after 1119. Probably identical also with the ancestor of Alan de Boydell to whom Earl Richard granted two carucates in Maydenwell where were attched to the man or of New bold.
~ The Baron's of Pulford, p. 80