Christian de Crosselegh
- Marriage: William de Wilbraham 713
Another name for Christian is Christian de Crosley.
Information about this person:
• Background Information. 713 Cristian, daughter of Richard de Crosselegh of Preston, heiress to her brother also named Richad de Crosselgh married William de Wilburgham Lord of Radenore. Their sons were William de Wiburgham; Ralph de Wilburgham of Radenore, ancestor of Wilbraham of Brindley and Worleston; and Robert de Wilburham living 28 Edward III.
~George Ormerod's The History of County Palatine and City of Chester, Vol. III, p. 379
Christian married William de Wilbraham, son of Sir Richard de Wilbraham Knight and Letitia de Venables.713