- Born: 24 Apr 1795, New York
- Marriage: Matthew Cole on 24 Dec 1812 in Caldwell, Warren, New York 1164
- Died: 12 Nov 1891, Chickaming, Berrien, Michigan at age 961167
- Buried: 1891, Riverside Cemetary, Chickaming, Berrien, Michigan1167
Information about this person:
• Census, 27 Jul 1850, Waterford, Erie, Pennsylvania. 66 Mathew Cole Sr. 68 M Carpenter Sabrina Cole 48 F Mathew Cole Jr. 19 M Farmer Ira Cole 14 M
All Born in New York
• Census: 1870 U.S. Federal Census, 3 Jun 1870, Titusville, Crawford, Pennsylvania. 1165 Alvin Gibbs 55 Laura Gibbs 54 Amanda M Gibbs 32 Eliza Gibbs 30 John R Gibbs 13 Sabrina Cole 75 Mary Fuleston 22 John Stanton 19
Sabriana Cole is listed as living with her daughter. Her birthplace is given as New York. Mary Fuleston and John Stanton are listed as servants.
• Census: 1880 U.S. Federal Census, 5 Jun 1880, Chickaming, Berrien, Michigan. 1166 Saul F. Pinnell 59, b. Virginia Martha Pinnell 59, b. New York Sabrina Cole 85, b. New York
Sabrina is listed as mother-in-law.
• Background Information. 1164 Matthew Cole served in the War of 1812 from 12 Sep 1814 until 26 Sep 1814 as a drummer in Captain Halsey Roger's Company for New York. His wife, Sabrina, filed for a War of 1812 Pension. This application gives their marriage date as 24 Dec 1812 in Caldwell, Warren, New York. Matthew's death date is given as 26 Nov 1858. Sabrina's death is given as being Prior to 1892. Residence given for Matthew is 1851, 1857, Waterford, Erie, Pennsylvania. For Sabrina, residents given are 1878, Waterford, Erie, Pennsylvania, 1887, Three Oaks, Berrien, Michigan.

• Web Reference: Cemetary Redords for Coles in Michigan. 1167 Indiana and Michigan, Michiana Genealogical Cemetery Index, 1800-2010
Sabrina married Matthew Cole on 24 Dec 1812 in Caldwell, Warren, New York.1164 (Matthew Cole was born on 10 Apr 1792 in Caldwell, Warren, New York 66 and died on 26 Nov 1858 in Waterford, Erie, Pennsylvania 1164.)