Ramón García Jurado
- Born: 31 Aug 1678, Puebla de los Ángeles, Nueva España 247,248,287
- Baptized: 5 Sep 1678,Puebla de los Ángeles, Nueva España 247,287
- Marriage (1): Antonia de Espinosa y de las Heras on 4 May 1697 in Santa Fé, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 247,248,287
- Marriage (2): Bernardina Hurtado on 21 Apr 1710 in Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 248
- Died: 6 Apr 1760, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España at age 81 247
Noted events in his life were:
• Background Information. 252 Rámon came to New Mexico with his father and step mother in 1693. He identified his mother as María Rodríguez de Alava when he married Juana Antonio de Espínola in 1697.
He was Alférez Real in the Moqui campaign or 1716. As Alcalde of Bernallilo, he was acused by priests of mistreating the Pueblo People. On August 5 1709, he carved his name in inscription rock near Zuni Pueblo.
~The Origins of New Mexico Families, pp. 183-184
• Census, 1750, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España. 270 Ramón García Jurado is listed as family 106 in the Spanish Census of 1750 for the Villa de Alburquerque. He is listed as Lieut. Retired, Don Ramón García Jurado, 70 widower of Doña Bernadina Hurtado; son: Joseph 16; w little Coyotes: Juan, 12; Miguel, 9; Bárbara, Indian, servant 16.
His son, Toribio García Jurado is listed as family 108.
• Background Information. 252,247 Ramón carried on his father's feud, and as late as 1723, was at the Viceragal Court presenting grievances. Ramón married Antonia de Espindola in Santa Fe on 4 May 1698, at the age of 19. He and Antonia had one daughter, Petronila, who married Pedro Ascencio López. Ramon García Jurado and his first wife were recipients of cattle in May 1697.
As early as 1703, six Tegua protested their false imprisnonment and asked Ramon be named protector y defensor in any future judicial proceedings. The office of protector de Indios was considered an important link with the Indians and the Spanish legal system.
Ramón acquired land in the Santa Cruz area from his marriage to Antonia, but conveyed this land to Bartolome Lobato in May 1707 On 5 August 1709, while on an expedition to Zuni, Ramón added his name to Inscription Rock, now known as El Morro National Monument.
By 1710, he was widowed and left Santa Fe to settle in the Bernalillo, Alburquerque area. There he married Bernardina Hurtado 1710. She was the daughter of Capitan Martin Hurtado and Catarina Varela Jaramillo.
Ramon participated as alcalde real in the 1716 campaign to the Moqui country and passed muster fully armed and with three horses.
Ramón served as alcalde of Bernalillo and the nearby pueblos in 1732 when he was accused of mistreating the Indians. He countered by accusing Fray Diego Arias de Espinosa of usurpation of authority and inciting the Indians. The action went against Ramón, who was ordered to pay for the work done for the him by the Indians of Santa Ana pueblo. He failed to comply and was banished to Zuni for two years.
Ramón appeared in the 1750 census for Alburquerque as a retired lieutenant, age 70, and a widower. Listed in his household was a son, Jose, age 16, along with some servants. Ramón died in Alburquerque at the age of 82 on 6 April 1760.
~Spanish Recolonization of NM, pp. 200-205
• Dates & Events. 269 From The Spanish Archives of New México, Vol. 2, p. 200: Ramón García Juardo, Santa Fé, 18 Jan 1732, declaration relative to the ill-treatment against Indians from the Pueblo of Santa Ana.
Ramón García Jurado, Alcalde Mayor, 6 Apr 1632 to 26 Jan 1733, proceeding in the matter of his complaint against Fray Diego Arias de Espinosa for usurpation of power and inciting the Indians to Disobedience; counter accusations; tesitmony of witnesses; judgement condemning the alcalde to payment for work done for him by the Indians of the pueblo of Santa Ana, et. Incomplete.
Later on page 201, Ramón García Jurado, 15-23 Jul 1732, proceedings relative to labor performed by the Indians of Santa Ana; judgement for the Indians.
• Families. 247 Child with Juana Antonia de Espindola Maria Petronila Garcia Jurado b: 1705 in Santa Fe, NM
Children with Bernardina Hurtado:
Ramon García-Jurado Pedro Alcantara García-Jurado b: Feb 1710/1 in Albuqurque, NM Maria Rosalia García-Jurad b: 1712 Maria Barbara García-Jurado b: 1716 Maria Teresa de García-Jurad b: 1 Jan 1726/7 Toribio García-Jurad b: 1730
 Ramón García Juardo's Inscription on Inscription Rock, El Morro, New Mexico Photo by Isaac Borrego
Ramón married Antonia de Espinosa y de las Heras, daughter of Francisco Tomás de Espindola and Maria de las Heras, on 4 May 1697 in Santa Fé, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 247,248.,287 (Antonia de Espinosa y de las Heras was born about 1686 in Zacatecas, Nueva Galicia, Nueva España and died in Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Diligencia Matrimonial. 248 1697, Feb. 18, Santa Fé, Rámon García Jurado (18), native of City of Los Angeles (Puebla), son of José García Jurado and María Rodriguez de Alaba, deceased, and Doña Antonia de las Heras (11), native of the City of Zacatecas but reared in Mexico City, daughter of Captain Don Francisco de Espinola and Doña María de las Heras, both deceased. Witnesses: Jose Bernardo Mascareña (28), Antonio de Isassi Aguilera (40), both natives of Mexico City. The Pair married May 4, 1697.
~ Roots Ltd., Diligencias Matrimoniales, p. 590
Ramón next married Bernardina Hurtado, daughter of Martín Hurtado and Catalina Varela Jaramillo, on 21 Apr 1710 in Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.248 (Bernardina Hurtado was born about 1695 and died after 1750 in Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 270.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Diligencia Matrimonial. 248 17 April, Alburquerque. Rámon García Jurado (28) native of City of los Angeles, son of Captain José García Jurado and Doña María Rodrigues de Alaba, and Doña Bernardina Hurtado, native of New Mexico, daughter of Captain Martín Hurtado and Doña Catarina Varela. Witnesses: Juan de Torres (50), Antonio Gutiérres (38), Alferez Cristóbal Torres (44) of Santa Fé, Salvador Santisteban. Pair married, April 21 1719, with witnesses, Juan Varela, Baltasar Romero, Joaquin Sedillo.
~ Roots Ltd., Diligencias Matrimoniales, p. 593