María Ysabel Vallejos
- Marriage: Jesús Ygancio Lucero on 4 Jun 1841 in San Miguel del Socorro, Socorro, Nuevo Méjico, Republica de Méjico 412
Another name for María is María Ysabel Aragón.
María married Jesús Ygancio Lucero, son of Juan Miguel Lucero and María Dimas Aragón, on 4 Jun 1841 in San Miguel del Socorro, Socorro, Nuevo Méjico, Republica de Méjico.412 (Jesús Ygancio Lucero was born about 1814 in Villa de Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Diligencia Matrimonial: 248 4 Jun 1841, Alburquerque. Jesús Lucero (26) of Chilili, son of Miguel Lucero and María Dimas Aragon (deceased), and Ysabel Vallejo (18) of the same place, daughter of Pedro Vallejo and Casilda Padilla.
Witnesses: Manuel Saavedra (41), Mateo Suarea (29), both married.
Roots Ltd., Diligencias Matrimoniales, vol. 6, p. 998
San Felipe de Neri Alburquerque Marriages, p. 136.