Juana García
- Marriage: José Mariano Aragón on 17 Jul 1785 in Sandía Pueblo, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 237
- Died: Bef 25 Nov 1810, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España
Noted events in her life were:
• Family Connection: 445 Sandia Mission Baptisms, 1771 - 1851, p. 7
Padres: Antonio Aragón y Manuela Gutiérrez Abuelos paternos: José Aragón y Juana García Abuelos maternos: Gerónimo Gutiérrez y Juana Nieto Padrinos: Tomás García y María Nieves Aragón
Juana married José Mariano Aragón, son of Nicolás de Aragón and Margarita Gallegos, on 17 Jul 1785 in Sandía Pueblo, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.237 (José Mariano Aragón was born in 1734 in Valencia, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 248 and died before 25 Nov 1810 in Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• José and Juana were married. 237 17 Jul 1785, José Aragón, widower of María Váldez married Juana García, natural daughter of Bárbara García (deceased).
Testigos: Ventura Salazar and Ana María García
Sandía Marriages, 1771-1864, p. 8