Lucía Manríque
- Marriage: Geronimo Ayala 247
Noted events in her life were:
• Background Information. 247 Alonso Moreno de Lara (aka Moreno de Trujillo) was married 4 Oct 2638 with doña Estefánia de Ayala y Manríquez. The marriage took lace in the town of Tucubaya, in the jurisdiction of the Santa Vera Cruz Church (in Mexico City). The presiding priest was Juan de Espinosa, who entered the information that
Doña Estefánia was a native of Tacubaya, a daughter of Gerónimo de Ayala and doña Lucía Manríquez.
~ The Spanish Recolonization of New Mexico, p. 380
Lucía married Geronimo Ayala.247 (Geronimo Ayala was born about 1590.)