Thanks to Kristi Faricelli for my Nancy Cats and the Kitten playing with the ball.
Animation Links

A special thanks to the people below for the use of their animations. Make sure to get their permission and give them credit for her work if you borrow them.
I started this gallery about 15 years ago, and unfortunately, some of the links & animation creators have disappeared over time. I still want to list them here, but with out a link.
The cats watching the snow from the door on page 11 made by Fred Knight, in the U.K.
The dancing cats on the top of page 55 come from Fat Cat Hoedown
The adorable cats with ŠLR on as many places as I can slip onto my site were and she has more fun animations on her site including more cats, Bert & Ernie, Frogs and much more.
      The cute fuzzy kitties at the bottom of page 34 are from Blue Planet gifs for sharing to promote an awareness of our planet and all her inhabitants.
The animations on page 49 & 50 were created by the very talented Marloes de Haan, from Schagen, the Netherlands.
The kitties on page 42, 52, the kitty & ball before each link and the ones that jump around my name on this page and my home site, were created by Kristi Faricelli. I love Kristi's creations, and have many of them on my pages.
The Orange cat on page 41 was originally found on Kat's Free Animated Gifs which seems to have disappeared recently.
Thanks goes to Full Circle Associates forth Halloween cat on page 41.
The animations with on them came from Action Cat's Speak Out For Animal's page. Check out the latest petitions concerned with Animal Welfare and send an Action Cat Postcard.
Madame Alto's Adopt a cats from page 38 can be found at Madam Alto's Cat House
Phantom on page 37 was made by Odette & Roy Athey. Visit Odette's Cat Corner.
All animations on page 36 were done by Katie Kintner
Find more tessellations like the one on page 35 at Tessellating Animation by Makoto Nakamura.
John A. McKeon made the walking cat on page 35.
The sleeping cat on page 54 comes from Courage Plus in Japan.
The licking kitty on page 33 was made by MediaMonsters
Lotta Lindgren made a couple of cats on page 32. Check out her Lotta's Catgraphics!
The Lioness on page 32 came from the Greg Family Home Page.
The Friendly Cat on page 6 comes from Jen's Animation GalleryJen has other cute animation that she created at this site.
The Black Cat on page 15 comes fromOzzy Pedro's Original Animations
The Lion on Page 30 came from Graphics by Melodie which has some nice animation & beautiful backgrounds.
The delicate kitties from
pages 26 & 27 are from Nekoani by Hidetaka Hikashi.
The cat following the ball on page 14 can be found atARG Cartoon
Animation Studio.
The Cat's on page 17 was from Eminyan's Animation Site, which unfortunately seems to have disappeared.
Self-Made Animated Gifs made by Thrude are on page 1.
Now That's Animation. Margaret Krakowiak has made some detailed and wonderful cat animations including nervous cat on page 13.
Robert Cristia's Cat Animation.
Robert made the spin kitty on Page 3.
KITTiCAT.COM isn't a graphic web site, but it is where Matilda found on page 1 resides.
Luna Cat on page 15 was made by Juli Knight.
Yasshan's cute animation can no longer be found at 
Find the
at Boing Dragon Counters .

Links to find more Animated Gifs Collections

Animated Art House...bright and beautiful!
The GIF Animation Site
Necochan's Graphics
Animated Email Gifs Collection.
ScubaMom's Icons & Animation
The GIF Animation
Thrift Shop!
and Graphics For Your Web site.
Hippo Gifs for all sorts of animated Hippos

Sites on How to Make and Use Gif Animations

Gif Animation Tools, Techniques, Examples and Resources
GIF Animation
on the WWW.

Some of my favorite Sites for Graphics

My Own FaRouT FuNKy GRaPHiX for hippies & Deadheads
One of my favorites,
Blue Cat Graphics. I use her Cat theme Foxfire Skin on my Foxfire browser.
Multimedia Palace
Cindy's cat graphics.
andrak's Animations - Animals, alphabets, globes, names and cats!
Cat Backgrounds
Cat Graphics ByNancian
Diabella's Vintage Cat Graphics
         Animator's Creative Animations link has been lost. If found please Email ME. 

Animal Pictures Archive
Animation World
GranGran's Graphics
Cats' n Kitten's designs
Free animated gifs, graphic animations, icons and clipart!
Marg-Art Angel, Cat, Pooh and nature graphics

Be sure to visit my Cat Links pages for more animation, My Own Cats
Tesuque & Quatro,
Polly & Cassy plus are newest gatos, Pojaoque & Laguna
and my
pics gallery!
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